Bermuda Underwater Exploration Institute (BUEI)

Our Work:
Member survey, donor survey, community survey, pricing research, tourism research

Corona Insights was twice retained by the Bermuda Underwater Exploration Institute (BUEI) to conduct research to inform future membership programs. In our first project, we conducted research with existing members, lapsed members, and visitors (non-members) to understand awareness of member benefits and perceived value. Findings helped BUEI build a better understanding of members and their relationships with other institutions in Bermuda, and identified ways to increase engagement with members and improve gaps in communication. Later, we were retained along with a partner to aid in the development of a new membership program. We engaged in market research with current and prospective audiences, including cruise ship passengers, and developed a model to assess potential attendance and revenue under different assumptions. Research findings led to recommendations for a new membership program that included different tiers, benefits, and pricing.