Trends and News

Trends in market research: Analyzing the hype
We’re surrounded by hype about products and services every day, whether it’s technology, entertainment, political, or even business practices. The next big thing promises to change our lives and make the old thing irrelevant. Market research is at the intersection of many industries and trends so it’s no surprise that we see plenty of big […]
By David KennedyRead More

Digital media is enhancing market research
According to last Friday’s article from Mashable (based on data from eMarketer), Americans are consuming more digital media than TV for the first time. The biggest jump in digital consumption comes from people using their smartphones to connect online. People are emailing coworkers while they are out to eat, reading online restaurant reviews while sitting […]
By Andrew MonroeRead More

Proxies for culture
We often rely on formal market research to measure attitudes, values, lifestyles, and other measures of culture, yet given that culture touches everything around us we often don’t need to look far for other signs of a shifting culture. Trends in one area can easily show insight into another. For example, the increasing sales of […]
By David KennedyRead More

Corona Insights takes home another Gold Peak award
Last night Corona Insights was honored to have received a Gold Peak Award for our market research work to inform the Donor Alliance’s marketing strategy. This is the third Peak Award that Corona Insights has taken home from the CO+AMA. In 2010 Corona took home the Silver Peak award for our rebranding and in 2011 Corona won a […]
By Kassidy BensonRead More

Sometimes beautiful data is only skin deep
We’ve been talking a lot about the importance of conveying data visually lately (ok, and not-so-lately…here are posts from 2008 and 2011), and you have no doubt recently heard a thing or two about big data. And while we love beautiful infographics, and the power of big data (and medium data), we must be careful not […]
By David KennedyRead More

The Power of Visual Storytelling
They say a picture is worth a thousand words. Let’s stand by that. Pretend one picture is equal to (literally) 1,000 words. If it took, let’s say, five seconds to look at each picture in an album (remember, one picture=1,000 words), that means you would be able to consume 12,000 “words” per minute by looking […]
By Andrew MonroeRead More

You Can Survey Too Much
Last week, the Wall Street Journal wrote a piece called, “Dear Airline, Here is the Problem…” about airline customer surveys and how they’re used. We enjoyed the article and wanted to share our key takeaways: The airlines sample judiciously to develop statistically reliable data with minimum intrusion on their customers. This is a more sophisticated […]
By Kevin RainesRead More

Statistics are the table saw of truth discovery
Along with most of the statistically savvy world, we’re excited that 2013 is the International Year of Statistics. With so much new interest in numeracy and successful statistical prediction models, like Nate Silver’s impressive election model, we’re hoping that people begin to think of statistical analysis less as “lies, damn lies, and statistics” and more […]
By Beth MulliganRead More

Times, they are a-changin’
As recently as a couple of years ago, we were keeping our distance from online panels for research. We even blogged about it. But things have been changing. And now evidence is starting to accumulate that online polls can rival (or even exceed) traditional polling methods in accuracy. A recent article in The Atlantic provides […]
By Beth MulliganRead More

Mirror mirror on the wall, what is the least desirable methodology of them all?
GreenBook, a directory of market research firms, conducts and publishes the Research Industry Trends (GRIT) report annually. While perusing the most recent results, I stumbled upon the following finding (techniques respondents would choose in their ideal research company): The top part of the graph showing most desirable research techniques – mobile and online – wasn’t […]
By David KennedyRead More