Trends and News

The Entertainment Category – The fifth in a series of posts analyzing Trivia Crack
In our series of analyzing knowledge about knowledge, we’ve previously talked about scoring patterns in the Science, Sports, and Geography categories of Trivia Crack, as well as the methodology of collecting our data. Today we’ll move on to Part 5 of our series, where we examine Entertainment scores. We gathered and analyzed the scores of […]
By Kevin RainesRead More

Measuring Trivia Crack Scores – The fourth in a series of posts analyzing Trivia Crack
If you have been following our series of Trivia Crack scoring analyses, you may be wondering how we developed our estimates. It’s actually an interesting process, and it plays into our strengths here at Corona Insights, of measuring a population when we can only gather data for a sample. So let’s take a quick break […]
By Kevin RainesRead More

The Geography Category – The third in a series of posts analyzing Trivia Crack
A Study of Trivia Crack Scoring In our series of analyzing knowledge about knowledge, we’ve previously talked about scoring patterns in the Science and Sports categories of Trivia Crack. Today we’ll move on to Part 3, where we examine my personal favorite, Geography. We gathered and analyzed the scores of over 400 random Trivia Crack […]
By Kevin RainesRead More

The Sports Category – The second in a series of posts analyzing Trivia Crack
A Study of Trivia Crack Scoring In our series of analyzing knowledge about knowledge, we first talked about scoring patterns in the Science category of Trivia Crack. Today we’ll move on to Part 2, where we examine the exciting world of sports trivia. We gathered and analyzed the scores of over 400 random Trivia Crack […]
By Kevin RainesRead More

Knowledge About Knowledge – Trivia Crack Evaluation Measures
A Study of Trivia Crack Scoring The Science Category – The first in a series of posts analyzing Trivia Crack If you’ve been online in America over the past few months, you’ve probably heard of the Trivia Crack app. With estimates ranging into the tens of millions of players, a lot of people enjoy testing […]
By Kevin RainesRead More

Colorado’s New Statewide Child Abuse Hotline
We were pleased yesterday to attend the unveiling of Colorado’s new rollout of a statewide hotline to report suspected child abuse or neglect. Governor Hickenlooper and other dignitaries spoke on the Capitol steps, and we think it’s a great step forward for Colorado. Our partners at Heinrich Marketing came up with several great concepts, and […]
By Kevin RainesRead More

Is tomorrow the first real Pi day?
Happy Pi Day! As you have undoubtedly noticed thanks to pictures and references to the culinary type of pie in your social media streams, tomorrow is March 14, or 3.14 the (rounded) mathematical constant representing the ratio of a circle’s circumference to its diameter. But wait, there’s more! Not only is tomorrow 3.14, it’s 3.14.15, […]
By David KennedyRead More

Refer a client to Corona, receive an iPad
For the months of July and August, 2014, Corona is thanking our existing clients who refer work to us. Simply refer a new client to us, and if they initiate work with Corona Insights before December 31, 2014, you’ll receive an iPad as a thank you from us. There is no limit on how many […]
By David KennedyRead More

A dose of data for your springtime allergies
Like many people, I have “seasonal allergies.” March and April bring sneezing fits and foggy brain days for me. Often I get a sore throat and headaches. One year I went through three strep throat tests and a course of antibiotics before my doctor decided my swollen throat was caused by allergies. Knowing you’re allergic […]
By Beth MulliganRead More

Yes, that college degree is still worth the cost of attendance
Here at Corona, we help organizations make strategic decisions via our research and strategy services. But individuals can also use research to make strategic decisions. We read a lot these days about the cost of higher education. While rises in health care costs get more attention, inflation in higher education costs have actually outpaced them, […]
By Kevin RainesRead More