Strategy & Tactics

Data-driven strategy, oh yeah.
My Corona colleagues know the ins and outs of data – the good, the bad and the better not to have at all. I’ve learned a lot from them over the years. In my world as a strategic consultant, I’ve seen first-hand what the right data at the right time can do when setting strategy. […]
By Karla RainesRead More

The relevance of reviews
Recently, Corona conducted some focus groups in part to understand how people make an important decision. In analyzing the groups, I found that in seeking resources to help make that decision, people preferred referrals from their family, friends and neighbors over quantitative data that was developed using a sophisticated methodology. Why? Participants viewed referrals as […]
By Sarah WilliamsRead More

A dose of data for your springtime allergies
Like many people, I have “seasonal allergies.” March and April bring sneezing fits and foggy brain days for me. Often I get a sore throat and headaches. One year I went through three strep throat tests and a course of antibiotics before my doctor decided my swollen throat was caused by allergies. Knowing you’re allergic […]
By Beth MulliganRead More

Yes, that college degree is still worth the cost of attendance
Here at Corona, we help organizations make strategic decisions via our research and strategy services. But individuals can also use research to make strategic decisions. We read a lot these days about the cost of higher education. While rises in health care costs get more attention, inflation in higher education costs have actually outpaced them, […]
By Kevin RainesRead More

Using data to improve your life
It’s easy to dream of all of the ways in which organizations can use data to further their business. The fun doesn’t have to only be left up to organizations, though: have you ever stopped to think about all of the ways data can be used in everyday life? Similar to organizations, individuals can benefit […]
By Matt HerndonRead More

Can you spot statistically significant differences in your data?
Making data-driven strategic decisions frequently involves understanding differences. For example, are there differences in public opinion, demographics, or the way people behave? Are there differences among groups of people, between two points in time, or differences from one program to another? Many of our clients ask for help measuring differences and sparking insights from the […]
By Matt BruceRead More

How to creatively solve problems
I read this article in the Atlantic a few months ago which described how a surprising number of inventions and innovations in various fields are coming from people who are not experts in the field of interest. It reminded me of how some scientists have created computer games based on real world problems, and people […]
By Kate DarwentRead More

Four questions to ask before starting your evaluation
Evaluation is a helpful tool to support many different decisions within an organization. Evaluation can take on many forms (e.g., summative, formative, developmental, outcomes, process, implementation, etc.), and the first step is to identify what kind of evaluation will be most useful to you right now. Regardless of whether you need to measure your outcomes […]
By Beth MulliganRead More

4 ways to report customer satisfaction
In my previous post we discussed two common types of satisfaction surveys. In this post we’ll touch on the many ways to report results. Suppose we have the following question: Q: Taking into account all of your experiences with X, please rate your overall satisfaction with X: Extremely satisfied Moderately satisfied Slightly satisfied Neither satisfied […]
By David KennedyRead More

Why pay research participants?
We’ve probably all received some type of payment for participating in research before, whether it was for completing a survey, participating in a focus group or online community, or other form of research. But should we be paying people for their participation? While it would be nice if people would be intrinsically motivated to take […]
By David KennedyRead More