Strategy & Tactics

Research in action
Ran across this post on Shopper Culture, a blog from the Integer Group, and it is an excellent example of how research can create new strategies and tactics for a company. In this case, it helped Marks & Spencer, a UK retailer, better serve the needs of their 40 year old+ women shoppers by launching […]
By David KennedyRead More

Is Detroit now asking the right questions?
A few weeks ago there was an article in the Denver Post about the reason for the demise of the US auto industry (thanks to Chuck, our finance manager, for passing it along to me). In the article, Ed Quillen mentioned an age-old anecdote about asking consumers what they want. When US automakers built and […]
By David KennedyRead More

Looking forward to 2009
In the tradition of blog posts recapping the previous year and predicting the next year, Corona offers our own opinions on how the trends of 2009 will shape the world of research and strategy. Response rates are declining and reaching a representative sample is becoming harder. The number of households with no landline telephone may […]
By David KennedyRead More

The untapped potential of small business donors
For several years now I’ve been suggesting to my local nonprofit community that they are leaving money on the table if they don’t develop strategies to cultivate small business donors to support their causes. Whenever I’d mention this idea I’d see nods of agreement but no action. It may seem easier to pursue a few […]
By Karla RainesRead More

Award winning client makes us proud
Clínica Tepeyac, a Denver-based nonprofit that provides health care and preventive health services, won the El Pomar Award of Excellence in the area of self-sufficiency last week.This award, by one of Colorado’s private foundations, recognizes nonprofits and community leaders in 11 different categories.The process is competitive and the award much sought after as a symbol […]
By Karla RainesRead More

Obama plus the Internet = A new strategy for political engagement
President-elect Barack Obama’s campaign is garnering attention for engaging millions of Americans in the political process. Not only did his campaign reach new heights in terms of the amount of money raised, and the number of people involved and connected, it has reshaped the political industry. The October 2008 Harvard Business Review includes a thought-provoking […]
By Karla RainesRead More

Importance of market research in an economic downturn
The economy is on a downturn and, with businesses bracing for the effects, you’ve probably been hearing plenty of strategies for how to thrive during this tough period. And the foundation for any good strategy is good information. Market research is just as important, if not more important, during a tough economy. When times are […]
By David KennedyRead More

Service and the airlines
This is the sixth and final post on our recent trip to Africa. To see the our other posts, click here. I’m writing this blog on a business trip, sitting in the middle row of a packed plane. I’ve just been offered a drink for a cost of two dollars, and I paid $15 or […]
By Kevin RainesRead More

Corona Helps Determine The Economic Impact of Colorado’s Nonprofit Sector
Although it came out a little before we started blogging, we have been remiss in not letting you know about an important Colorado Nonprofit Association report that Corona Research played a big part in creating. Return on Investment: The Economic Impact of the Nonprofit Sector in Colorado details both the breadth and (huge) economic impact […]
By Geoff UrlandRead More

Coffee & Core Competencies
We do like our caffeine here at Corona, so this post on the 14 different tactics (so far) that Starbucks is employing to revitalize their brand caught our eye. What is interesting about the list of tactics is that almost half are motivated by the same strategic focus: returning Starbucks to it’s “core business” of […]
By Geoff UrlandRead More