
Next era nonprofits
Reinventing the Nonprofit Sector – A Corona Point-Of-View Series This blog is the first in a series entitled, Reinventing the Nonprofit Sector. Through this point-of-view series we will explore the forces and conditions reshaping the nonprofit sector’s profile, as well as real-time actions leaders can take in this dynamic environment. I’ll also share case studies […]
By Karla RainesRead More

Nonprofit Exec = Strategist + Business Model Designer
As a strategic consulting firm, Corona has been advancing an approach to nonprofit strategic planning that links strategy development with nonprofit business model design since early 2010. We knew we were onto something, but always appreciate an independent study or book that affirms our concept. Now along comes Cynthia A. Montgomery, Timken Professor of Business […]
By Karla RainesRead More

Seeing the light when setting strategy
A key task when engaging in strategic planning for any nonprofit is scanning the external environment. Our goal? To spot the signal. Why is the signal so darn difficult to see? Our sight is clouded by the details and drama of today. Too often we find executives and boards mistake near-term drama for tomorrow’s opportunity […]
By Karla RainesRead More

“Feel Inside” Helps Cure Kids
This story has it all. Cutting-edge market research with a hard-to-reach demographic. Strategic philanthropic success. And the perfect blend of hilarity, cuteness and pure musical talent. Introducing, “Feel Inside (and Stuff Like That)” by musical group Flight of the Conchords. How did this masterpiece come to be and why is it relevant? In August, a […]
By Meredith BadlerRead More

Geena Davis loves research! (And you should, too.)
Growing up as (what I felt was) a too-tall girl with boring brown hair featuring accentuated gawkiness during my teen years, I tended to take note of famous women who fit a similar description (minus the gawky) – but made it work for themselves. As such, I felt a sort of bond with women like […]
By Holly RussoRead More

Power of the nonprofit brand
Successful nonprofits harness the power of "brand" to boost their individual identities while promoting social change.
By Meredith BadlerRead More

The power of showing up
Several years ago I received one of the most meaningful compliments of my consulting career. As we were wrapping up a long-term strategy consulting engagement, a nonprofit customer said to me, “Karla, one of the things I appreciate about you is that you show up.” In essence, he said: You are present with us You care You speak up on our […]
By Karla RainesRead More

The new era of commonalities
This summer, the Stanford Social Innovation Review released an article entitled “In Search of the Hybrid Ideal” by Julie Battilana, Matthew Lee, John Walker, and Cheryl Dorsey. In the article, the authors identify four challenges for nonprofits that seek to combine aspects of a classic charitable organization with features of a commercial enterprise. While limitations to legal structure and financial markets create roadblocks, […]
By Karla RainesRead More

Time to check in: How’s your strategy?
Every strategy is based upon a set of assumptions, some of which prove to be true and others false. Those assumptions play out real time, each and every day. Now that you are half-way through the calendar year, you may find the need to reality check your current strategy. At Corona, we define strategy as a coordinated series […]
By Karla RainesRead More

Of the Higgs boson and lavender farms
I celebrated my 2nd annual birthday stay-cation with a trip to Palisade, Colorado. The draw? Their annual Lavender Festival and a day-long bus tour to five lavender growers. While I learned about the different species of lavender and what it takes to grow lavender successfully on the semi-arid Western Slope, I learned much more about a group of enterprising […]
By Karla RainesRead More