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Welcome to the future. Today’s 4-year-old will be the parent of 2040.

It’s unnerving to think out 2 generations. Learn how on October 22nd.

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What’s your Story?

Learn the structure and tools that make storytelling effective on October 22nd at the Colorado Nonprofit Conference

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Swat that SWOT. She said what?

Ask Karla yourself. You’ll find her at the CO Nonprofit Conference on October 21st.

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Photo of employee Kate Darwent


Navigating a Dynamic Operating Environment: Colorado Nonprofit Association

Meet Renny Fagan. He described the past ten years as “a wild ride for nonprofits, starting with the recession in 2009.” Would you agree? Learn how he is leading Colorado’s nonprofit sector to 2020 and beyond.

By Kate DarwentRead More

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There’s No Place Like Home

If you have walked through downtown Denver recently, you know that it is hard to miss the growing homeless population. Civic Center Park has become a meeting place for many in the homeless population—a place where they can gather to share stories, food, and cell phones.  Each year, Denver conducts a “Point in Time” (PIT) […]

By Molly HaganRead More

Photo of employee Beth Mulligan


Creative Ways to Get Useful and Actionable Data for a Small Budget Needs Assessment

The American Evaluation Association invited their Topic Interest Groups (TIGs) to each take over their blog for a week in 2018. As part of the Needs Assessment TIG, Beth and Kate were invited to write one of the blogs with tips for doing needs assessments. With help from Matt Bruce, they wrote about how to […]

By Beth MulliganRead More

Corona Insights employee Karla Raines


From engaging to capturing – rethinking business models that stick

As a strategist, I’m frequently looking over the horizon to see what’s next. At other times, you’ll see me scanning side-to-side looking for forces that may be coming together in new or unexpected ways. Sometimes hindsight puts much of it into perspective. Looking back at 2008 it occurs me that I was well ahead of […]

By Karla RainesRead More

Photo of employee Kate Darwent


Writing an RFP

So you’ve finally reached a point where you feel like you need more information to move forward as an organization, and, even more importantly, you’ve been able to secure some amount of funding to do so. Suddenly you find yourself elbow deep in old request-for-proposals (RFPs), both from your organization and others, trying to craft […]

By Kate DarwentRead More

Corona Insights employee Karla Raines


Is yesterday’s intermediary ready to become the platform of tomorrow?

Living in America’s “it” city in a year of disruptions across the political spectrum nationally and internationally have led me to contemplate evolution in the nonprofit sector. I’m struck by what I’ve observed recently as an emerging trend – the slow decline of the intermediary organization. This may be a heretical statement, I’ll admit, but […]

By Karla RainesRead More

Corona Insights employee Matt Bruce


Nonprofit Data Heads

Here at Corona, we gather, analyze, and interpret data for all types of nonprofits.  While some of our nonprofit clients are a little data shy, many are data-heads like us!  Indeed, several nonprofits (many of which we have worked for or partnered with) have developed amazing websites full of easy to access datasets. Here are […]

By Matt BruceRead More