Surveying Surveys

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Turning Passion into Actionable Data

Nonprofits are among my favorite clients that we work with here at Corona for a variety of reasons, but one of the things that I love most is the passion that surrounds nonprofits.  That passion shines through the most in our work when we do research with internal stakeholders for the nonprofit.  This could include […]

By Mollie BoettcherRead More

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Informal Research for Nonprofit Organizations

While Corona serves all three sectors (private, public, and nonprofit) in our work, we have always had a soft spot for our nonprofit clients.  No other type of organization is asked to do more with less, so we love working with nonprofits to help them refine their strategies to be both more effective at fulfilling […]

By Matt HerndonRead More

Photo of employee Kate Darwent


Who’s Excited for 2016?

Oh man, where did 2015 even go? Sometimes the end of the year makes me anxious because I start thinking about all the things that need to be done between now and December 31st. And then I start thinking about things that I need to do in the upcoming year, like figuring out how to […]

By Kate DarwentRead More

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Predicting The Future

In one form or another, much of market research is aimed at predicting the future.  Whether you are considering opening a new line of business, tweaking your advertisements, or just trying to serve your constituents better, the key purpose is almost always some form of “If we do X, then what will happen?”  However, when […]

By Matt HerndonRead More

Photo of employee Kate Darwent


How to Choose your own Adventure when it comes to Research

One of the things we’ve been doing at Corona this year that I’ve really enjoyed is resurrecting our book club. I enjoy it because it’s one way to think about the things we are doing from a bigger picture point of view, which is a welcome contrast to the project-specific thinking we are normally doing. […]

By Kate DarwentRead More

Photo of employee Beth Mulligan


Weight on What Matters

In May, Kate and I went to AAPOR’s 70th Annual Conference in Hollywood, FL.  Kate did a more timely job of summarizing our learnings, but now that things have had some time to settle, I thought I’d discuss an issue that came up in several presentations, most memorably in Andy Peytchev’s presentation on Weighting Adjustments […]

By Beth MulliganRead More

Photo of employee Kate Darwent


Corona Summer Camp 2015: AAPOR

Ah, summer camp. For those of us who were generally allergic to the outdoors as kids, summer camp did not necessarily mean cabins, building fires, and outdoor recreation. In my case, summer camp usually meant summer orchestra, which was the best. Not only did I get to play music for hours every day, I also […]

By Kate DarwentRead More

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Brand Tracking for Sustained Growth

Surveys can be used to guide a plethora of business decisions.  If you’re considering launching a new product or service, a survey can help you get feedback on not only the product or service itself, but your messaging and collaterals as well.  If you’re looking to grow into a new market, a survey can help […]

By Matt HerndonRead More

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To Force or not to Force (an answer): It’s a complicated question

Survey design can be a complex and nuanced process.  We have made a multitude of posts on the subject, including asking the right people to participate, and how to ask the right questions, but one area we don’t talk about a lot is how the answers you provide in a survey can influence your results.  […]

By Matt HerndonRead More

Photo of employee Kate Darwent


Haunted by Old Survey Questions

“As the Corona team bravely entered the haunted project file, they heard a strange sound. They quickly turned to the right to see analyses covered in cobwebs. They shuddered. Suddenly a weird shadow crossed their faces. As they looked up, they could barely make out what it was…a report? An old invoice? No, it couldn’t […]

By Kate DarwentRead More