Surveying Surveys

Photo of employee David Kennedy


Tuft & Needle: Incredible Mattresses. Incredible research?

If you have ever received a proposal from Corona Insights regarding customer research, you may have seen this line: “We believe that surveying customers shouldn’t lower customer satisfaction.” We take the respondent’s experience into account, from the development of our approach through the implementation of the research (e.g., survey design, participant invites, etc.), even in […]

By David KennedyRead More

Photo of employee Kate Darwent


Thinking strategically about benchmarks

When our clients are thinking about data that they would like to collect to answer a question, we sometimes are asked about external benchmarking data. Basically, when you benchmark your data, you generally are asking how you compare to other organizations or competitors. While external benchmarks can be useful, there are a couple of points […]

By Kate DarwentRead More

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Getting the most out of your customer survey

There are a multitude of tools available these days that allow organizations to easily ask questions of their customers.  It is certainly not uncommon when Corona begins an engagement for the client to have made internal attempts at conducting surveys in the past.  In some cases, these studies have been relatively sophisticated and have yielded […]

By Matt HerndonRead More

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Subpopulations in Research

As I’m sure you know, we do a lot of survey research here at Corona. When we provide the results, we try to build the most complete picture for our clients, and that means looking at the data from every which way possible. One of the most effective ways to do this is by looking […]

By Greg HornbackRead More

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Does This Survey Make Sense?

It’s pretty common for Corona to combine qualitative and quantitative research in a lot of our projects.  We will often use qualitative work to inform what we need to ask about in qualitative phases of the research, or use qualitative research to better understand the nuances of what we learned in the quantitative phase.  But […]

By Mollie BoettcherRead More

Photo of employee David Kennedy


Online research is becoming more feasible in smaller locales (and that includes Denver)

Door-to-door, intercept, mail, telephone, online – surveys have evolved with the technology and needs of the times. Online has increased speed and often lowered cost of conducting surveys. For some populations, it has even made conducting surveys more feasible. However, online surveys haven’t always been feasible in a city such as Denver or even statewide […]

By David KennedyRead More

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Research on Research: Boosting Online Survey Response Rates

David Kennedy and Matt Herndon, both Principals here at Corona, will be presenting a webinar for the Market Research Association (MRA) on August 24th. The topic is how to boost response rates with online surveys. Specifically, they will be presenting research Corona has done to learn how minor changes to such things as survey invites can […]

By Sarah SvitakRead More

Corona Insights employee Kevin Raines


Do you have kids? Wait – let me restate that.

Karla Raines and I had dinner with another couple last week that shares our background and interest in social research.  We were talking about the challenges of understanding the decisions of other people if you don’t understand their background, and how we can have biases that we don’t even realize. It brought me back to […]

By Kevin RainesRead More

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There is more to a quality survey than margin of error

One of the areas in which Corona excels is helping our clients who aren’t “research experts” to understand how to do research in a way that will yield high-quality, reliable results.  One of the questions we are frequently asked is how many completed surveys are necessary to ensure a “good survey.”  While the number of […]

By Matt HerndonRead More

Photo of employee David Kennedy


Happy or not

A key challenge for the research industry – and any company seeking feedback from its customers – is gaining participation. There have been books written on how to reduce non-response (i.e. increase participation), and tactics often include providing incentives, additional touch points, and finely crafted messaging. All good and necessary. But one trend we’re seeing […]

By David KennedyRead More