Quantitative Research

Photo of employee David Kennedy


Asking the “right” people is half the challenge

We’ve been blogging a lot lately about potential problem areas for research, evaluation, and strategy. In thinking about research specifically, making sure you can trust results often boils down to these three points: Ask the right questions; Of the right people; and Analyze the data correctly As Kevin pointed out in a blog nearly a year […]

By David KennedyRead More

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Begin with the end in mind

Don't take a research misstep before you even begin. Set 3-5 major goals for the research up front to ensure the end result will meet the needs for which the research was undertaken in the first place.

By Matt HerndonRead More

Corona Insights employee Matt Bruce


Millionaires at McDonalds

A few outliers, such as the uber rich Donald Thump, can have a dramatic influence over your survey results. Carefully consider outliers and read our blog for solutions to handle them in an analysis.

By Matt BruceRead More

Photo of employee Beth Mulligan


A dose of data for your springtime allergies

Like many people, I have “seasonal allergies.”  March and April bring sneezing fits and foggy brain days for me.  Often I get a sore throat and headaches.  One year I went through three strep throat tests and a course of antibiotics before my doctor decided my swollen throat was caused by allergies. Knowing you’re allergic […]

By Beth MulliganRead More

Corona Insights employee Matt Bruce


Can you spot statistically significant differences in your data?

Making data-driven strategic decisions frequently involves understanding differences.  For example, are there differences in public opinion, demographics, or the way people behave? Are there differences among groups of people, between two points in time, or differences from one program to another? Many of our clients ask for help measuring differences and sparking insights from the […]

By Matt BruceRead More

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How to make sense of open-ended responses

As we’ve pointed out before, including an open-ended question or two on a survey can be incredibly enlightening. After all, these kinds of questions really bring the attitudes and beliefs of respondents to life and leave the researcher with a rich pool of genuine opinions on a topic. However, open-ended data can sometimes present an […]

By Sarah WilliamsRead More

Corona Insights employee Matt Bruce


How to ask demographic questions

Asking demographic questions (e.g., age, gender, marital status) should be the easiest of survey questions to ask, right?  What if I told you asking someone how old they are will yield different results than asking in what year they were born, or that asking a sensitive question (e.g., How much money did you make last […]

By Matt BruceRead More

Photo of employee David Kennedy


Why pay research participants?

We’ve probably all received some type of payment for participating in research before, whether it was for completing a survey, participating in a focus group or online community, or other form of research. But should we be paying people for their participation?  While it would be nice if people would be intrinsically motivated to take […]

By David KennedyRead More

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Putting the Pieces Together: Combining Qualitative and Quantitative Research Methods

When clients come to Corona and ask us to help them find answers to their most difficult questions, we typically take a quantitative or qualitative approach to our research. Sometimes, however, we use a combination of both methods. As you might imagine, there can be lots of value in bringing the two types of data […]

By Sarah WilliamsRead More

Corona Insights employee Karla Raines


Strategic planning and market research fuel IMAGINE 2020

With tremendous pride and a full heart, Karla Raines presented the Denver Commission on Cultural Affairs (DCCA) with IMAGINE 2020: Denver’s Cultural Plan at their January 2014 meeting.  The commission had been strong proponents of a refreshed cultural plan for Denver.  These volunteers served as Corona’s creative muse throughout the 15-month process.  They held firm […]

By Karla RainesRead More