Quantitative Research

Do you have kids? Wait – let me restate that.
Karla Raines and I had dinner with another couple last week that shares our background and interest in social research. We were talking about the challenges of understanding the decisions of other people if you don’t understand their background, and how we can have biases that we don’t even realize. It brought me back to […]
By Kevin RainesRead More

There is more to a quality survey than margin of error
One of the areas in which Corona excels is helping our clients who aren’t “research experts” to understand how to do research in a way that will yield high-quality, reliable results. One of the questions we are frequently asked is how many completed surveys are necessary to ensure a “good survey.” While the number of […]
By Matt HerndonRead More

Turning Passion into Actionable Data
Nonprofits are among my favorite clients that we work with here at Corona for a variety of reasons, but one of the things that I love most is the passion that surrounds nonprofits. That passion shines through the most in our work when we do research with internal stakeholders for the nonprofit. This could include […]
By Mollie BoettcherRead More

Informal Research for Nonprofit Organizations
While Corona serves all three sectors (private, public, and nonprofit) in our work, we have always had a soft spot for our nonprofit clients. No other type of organization is asked to do more with less, so we love working with nonprofits to help them refine their strategies to be both more effective at fulfilling […]
By Matt HerndonRead More

Who’s Excited for 2016?
Oh man, where did 2015 even go? Sometimes the end of the year makes me anxious because I start thinking about all the things that need to be done between now and December 31st. And then I start thinking about things that I need to do in the upcoming year, like figuring out how to […]
By Kate DarwentRead More

How to Choose your own Adventure when it comes to Research
One of the things we’ve been doing at Corona this year that I’ve really enjoyed is resurrecting our book club. I enjoy it because it’s one way to think about the things we are doing from a bigger picture point of view, which is a welcome contrast to the project-specific thinking we are normally doing. […]
By Kate DarwentRead More

Does Prison Make People Find Religion?
We recently pondered prison and religious beliefs here at Corona, so we went poking around for data on the subject. We found a Pew Forum survey of prison chaplains where they estimated the religious affiliation of prison inmates here: http://www.pewforum.org/2012/03/22/prison-chaplains-perspectives/. We then compared those proportions to the proportions of religions in the general population, also […]
By Kevin RainesRead More

Weight on What Matters
In May, Kate and I went to AAPOR’s 70th Annual Conference in Hollywood, FL. Kate did a more timely job of summarizing our learnings, but now that things have had some time to settle, I thought I’d discuss an issue that came up in several presentations, most memorably in Andy Peytchev’s presentation on Weighting Adjustments […]
By Beth MulliganRead More

What your response rate says about engagement
When we think about tracking customer satisfaction via surveys, the analysis is almost always on the survey responses themselves: how many said they were satisfied, what is driving satisfaction, and so on. (See a related post on 4 ways to report customer satisfaction.) Not shocking (and of course we should look at the results to questions […]
By David KennedyRead More

Graphs: An effective tool, but use them carefully
Ahh…the graph. Where would the business world be without them? While some of us are just as content looking through a giant spreadsheet full of numbers, graphs can help to illustrate the story more effectively for number geeks and math haters alike. However, while graphs can be a great tool, there are certainly times when […]
By Matt HerndonRead More