Qualitative Research

Photo of employee David Kennedy


Guess we won’t be getting a call from Apple

Steve Jobs was recently quoted in Fortune’s America’s Most Admired Companies, as saying, “We do no market research.We don’t hire consultants.” Guess that explains why they haven’t called. I know that innovation often means going out on a limb—revolutionary products don’t come from asking consumers what they want next—but some basic research can prevent costly […]

By David KennedyRead More

Photo of employee David Kennedy


Sugging and Frugging

A comment on yesterday’s post brought up how telemarketers have impacted the credibility of market research. Being able to conduct valid research is our life blood and if we were ever unable to get people to participate in our research, we would be unable to provide accurate results to our clients – at least in […]

By David KennedyRead More

Photo of employee David Kennedy


Ford’s swap your ride “research”

Ford’s recent commercial depicts real people test driving Fords under the premise of “market research.” Does this have an impact on our industry?Does it discredit true research?Will people be suspicious the next time they’re invited to participate in research (especially for an automaker)? I personally think the effect will be short lived as the ad […]

By David KennedyRead More

Photo of employee David Kennedy


Shift Happens

While this video has been making the rounds for a while, I recently ran across it again.Clean presentation, gets to the point and it’s more motivating than daunting.That’s one of the reasons I like research – here are the questions, so now what are the answers? Occasionally, we get to provide some of those answers.We […]

By David KennedyRead More