Qualitative Research

Photo of employee David Kennedy


Neuromarketing is catching on – but is it ready for prime time?

Neuroscience in market research is growing, and while it is still an uncommon methodology for most, it is moving into the realm of standard methodologies. The premise is simple enough – people don’t always reveal what’s driving their decision making, and more importantly, people don’t always even know what is driving their decisions.  Since people […]

By David KennedyRead More

Photo of employee David Kennedy


Assessing secondary data

We’ve been talking data a lot lately on our blog (here and here). So why stop now? Our research work at Corona, more often than not, involves primary research, or gathering original data for the question(s) at hand.  However, this is often only the case because there wasn’t already data gathered previously (i.e., secondary data) […]

By David KennedyRead More

Photo of employee David Kennedy


Domino’s’ “Focus Group” Advertisements

By now you’ve probably heard that Domino’s Pizza has “fixed” its recipe. Through “research” done in focus groups it was revealed that people didn’t like Domino’s pizza. (I put research in quotations since I have heard CPB – the agency who did the ad – has a great disdain for focus groups.  Plus, I don’t […]

By David KennedyRead More

Photo of employee David Kennedy


Social media and research

We recently blogged about phone apps and research. One of the draws of phone app research is that it can be immediate.  Just saw a movie?  Review it while walking out of the theater.  Just left the store without buying that flat-screen TV – what kept you from buying? While actively seeking feedback through phone […]

By David KennedyRead More

Photo of employee David Kennedy


Variation in focus group styles

Saw this post and video (from a UK researcher) about how US focus groups were different from UK focus groups.  The author pointed out interesting aspects of a US group, but did not mention what UK groups were like in contrast.  Which led me to pose the question, what makes UK groups unique? The post’s […]

By David KennedyRead More

Photo of employee David Kennedy


An interview with a professional respondent II

We recently posted a satirical video of an interview with a professional focus group respondent. Today I ran across this article written by another professional respondent.  While somewhat old, I believe it still rings true nearly five years later. For reasons that are probably apparent from watching the video and reading the article, the current […]

By David KennedyRead More

Photo of employee David Kennedy


Fostering customer loyalty in grocery stores

Those of you who know me, know I have strong interests in retail, customer service, and loyalty.  This probably stems from my years of retail experience before my shift into research.  As such, every time I shop (online or at a brick and mortar store) I have ideas that I think could increase satisfaction, improve […]

By David KennedyRead More

Photo of employee David Kennedy


An interview with a professional respondent

Has she been in one of your focus groups? This video reminds me of why we only custom recruit for our focus groups.  We use no panel and do not accept opt-in participants.  Instead, we custom-recruit for each project ensuring few if any “regular” focus group participants are in the group and that the group […]

By David KennedyRead More

Photo of employee David Kennedy


Observation rooms … they’re not just for focus groups

My wife is a fourth year veterinary student at Colorado State University, and on a recent visit to the veterinary teaching hospital I noticed they had several focus group rooms – sort of. I recognized the rooms immediately – two-way glass, audio and video recording, etc.  Instead of group discussions though, they use the rooms […]

By David KennedyRead More

Photo of employee David Kennedy


Another great tool…Twitter search

We blogged before about Google Trends and Google Insights, and now there is another online tool to add to your repertoire.  Twitter Search allows you see what the masses of microbloggers are saying about you, your brand, or anything else you can imagine. Another great way to get a pulse of what is being said […]

By David KennedyRead More