Qualitative Research

What seniors want from open space
Corona Insights recently helped sponsor the Colorado Open Space Alliance: 2013 Conference in the beautiful hamlet of Crested Butte, Colorado. More land managers and natural resource professionals attended this year’s conference than any year prior, demonstrating both the success of the conference organizers and the growing field of open space, natural areas, and landscape conservation […]
By Matt BruceRead More

The New Frontier of Qualitative Research Tools
In recent years, the qualitative research field has seen an explosion of new online or mobile tools that allow researchers to capture data in ways we couldn’t 5 to 10 years ago. Although we’ve previously reported on the rise qualitative analysis software and what it means for Corona and its customers, we’ve decided to launch […]
By Sarah WilliamsRead More

Excited about Denver’s art
Earlier this week Corona Insights attended the CBCA’s 26th annual Business for the Arts Awards Luncheon. The event was filled with beautiful performances, great food, and incredible examples of work being done in Denver at the intersection of business and arts. Corona Insights would like to congratulate and commend all of the nominees and winners on […]
By Andrew MonroeRead More

The Resource Exchange Introduces a New Service
Congratulations to our friends at The Resource Exchange on unrolling their newest service, New Heights Behavioral Health. We began working with TRE in 2005, and have continued our partnership with them since. Most recently, in late Spring 2012, Corona facilitated TRE’s strategic planning process where the kernel of an idea that has developed into New […]
By Kassidy BensonRead More

The Iron Triangle of Qualitative Analysis
Amidst all of the recent frenzy regarding big data and data scientists, the Corona team wondered how another piece of data – qualitative data – fits into the picture. We already utilize a robust toolkit of qualitative methodologies; however, as technology continues to evolve in this area, offering everything from online focus groups to real-time […]
By Sarah WilliamsRead More

The Power of Numbers
Numbers are an interesting thing. We all have an innate sense of quantities, but numbers are a culturally agreed upon format for representing those quantities. When we are trying to convey quantitative information to other people, the choice between “7 days” vs. “1 week” or “100 out of 300” vs. “1 out of 3” often […]
By Kate DarwentRead More

Market re-church
If you think you don’t need market research because you have faithful customers, think again. Even those organizations with the most faithful customers are doing research. This small Missouri company sends “mystery shoppers” into churches. Dress up on Sunday morning, go sit in church for a few hours, and then fill out a survey about […]
By Kevin RainesRead More

That hammer is a lousy screwdriver
We’ve spoke about the best tool for market research before (there isn’t one) and even used the hammer analogy in previous posts. We’ve even spoke about how Apple doesn’t believe in market research. So this article from Fast Company describing why focus groups kill innovation shouldn’t be a surprise to us. And it isn’t. I agree. […]
By David KennedyRead More

Welcome to the team, Sarah Williams
We are delighted to welcome Sarah Williams as the newest member of the Corona Insights team. Sarah’s first month here at Corona Insights has flown by. As our newest Assosicate of Research, she has already been hard at work synthesizing data and creating actionable research reports for clients. Sarah is from the big state of Texas, where […]
By Kassidy BensonRead More

Research…and a little bit of magic
This morning, I decided to ask the Magic 8 Ball if our information-junkie staff here at Corona Insights would employ any online qualitative research tools before the end of the year. Its reply on the little floating blue triangle: “No way!” What!? The Magic 8 Ball is so stupid! Well, we all know that if […]
By Holly RussoRead More