Qualitative Research

Photo of employee Kate Darwent


Who’s Excited for 2016?

Oh man, where did 2015 even go? Sometimes the end of the year makes me anxious because I start thinking about all the things that need to be done between now and December 31st. And then I start thinking about things that I need to do in the upcoming year, like figuring out how to […]

By Kate DarwentRead More

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Magic 8 Ball Says…Outlook Good!

It’s hard to believe that it’s already that time of year where you’re thinking not only about turkeys, in-laws and shopping, but also reflecting on what you’ve accomplished in the last year.  For me, this November marks my one-year anniversary with Corona Insights, and since Gregory joined our team this fall, I’m officially no longer […]

By Mollie BoettcherRead More

Photo of employee Kate Darwent


How to Choose your own Adventure when it comes to Research

One of the things we’ve been doing at Corona this year that I’ve really enjoyed is resurrecting our book club. I enjoy it because it’s one way to think about the things we are doing from a bigger picture point of view, which is a welcome contrast to the project-specific thinking we are normally doing. […]

By Kate DarwentRead More

Photo of employee Beth Mulligan


Question What You Know

What I’m about to disclose may seem weird, or familiar, depending on the kind of person you are.  Last week our Corona Book Club met to discuss our recent pick, and as I sat down to put together my thoughts on it, I was reminded of an ad campaign from my youth.  I googled the […]

By Beth MulliganRead More

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Incorporating Exercises into Focus Groups

At Corona Insights, we are always researching best practices for the work we do.  In the world of qualitative research, this often means best practices for conducting focus groups.  Over the years, we have learned many tips and tricks for conducting focus groups, which includes incorporating exercises into our discussions.  There are a wide range […]

By Mollie BoettcherRead More

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Wondering if you’re normal? The answer is probably yes.

Katherine Brown is Corona’s 2015 summer intern. She has one year left at Macalester College where she has chosen to study anthropology because it gives her an excuse to talk to people from all over the place and call it work. After living in Germany for a calendar year and Turkey for an academic one, […]

By Sarah SvitakRead More

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It’s All About How You Ask

Last month, I attended the RIVA Training Institute in Rockville, Maryland to get a fresh look at how Corona tackles qualitative research.  It was heartening to find that our qualitative research practices match industry standards, but as with any good training, I came away with some new insights that will undoubtedly help make us better […]

By Mollie BoettcherRead More

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Welcome, Mollie!

We are delighted to welcome Mollie Boettcher as the newest member of the Corona Insights team! As our newest Associate, Mollie will specialize in qualitative research practices including, but certainly not limited to: recruiting research participants, conducting focus groups and interviews, then analyzing and interpreting qualitative data for clients seeking data-driven guidance. Mollie attended the […]

By Sarah SvitakRead More

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The relevance of reviews

Recently, Corona conducted some focus groups in part to understand how people make an important decision. In analyzing the groups, I found that in seeking resources to help make that decision, people preferred referrals from their family, friends and neighbors over quantitative data that was developed using a sophisticated methodology. Why? Participants viewed referrals as […]

By Sarah WilliamsRead More

Corona Insights employee Kevin Raines


Yes, that college degree is still worth the cost of attendance

Here at Corona, we help organizations make strategic decisions via our research and strategy services. But individuals can also use research to make strategic decisions. We read a lot these days about the cost of higher education. While rises in health care costs get more attention, inflation in higher education costs have actually outpaced them, […]

By Kevin RainesRead More