Qualitative Research

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What is Qualitative Data?

In a previous blog, we discussed data storytelling, or using both qualitative and quantitative data to craft a complete story. But what exactly is qualitative data?

By Caitlin McAteerRead More

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What is data storytelling?

At Corona, we are constantly trying to think of better ways to present data so that it is easy to use. We recently gave a presentation to our friends at Denver Data Storytellers about blended storytelling. Below is a summary of what we discussed.

By Caitlin McAteerRead More

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The Future of Qual

For years, qualitative market research has been dominated by focus groups and one-on-one interviews. Molly discusses the shortcomings of these traditional methods and how refreshed methodological approaches can overcome their pitfalls.

By Molly HaganRead More

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How do you measure the value of an experience?

When I think about the professional development I did last week, I would summarize it thusly: an unexpected, profound experience. I was given the opportunity to attend RIVA moderator training and I walked away with more than I ever could have dreamed I would get. Do you know that experience where you think back to […]

By Greg HornbackRead More

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Breaking down the wall between quant and qual

Recently we had a project involving a large survey with numerous open-end questions. Taking the divide and conquer approach, it was all hands-on deck to quickly code the thousands of responses. As a qualitative researcher, coding survey responses can feel like a foreign process and I often found myself overthinking both my codes and the […]

By Molly HaganRead More

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Human Experience (HX) Research

About a year ago, I stumbled upon a TEDx Talk by Tricia Wang titled “The Human Insights Missing from Big Data”. She eloquently unfurls a story about her experience working at Nokia around the time smartphones were becoming a formidable emergent market. Over the course of several months, Tricia Wang conducted ethnographic research with around […]

By Molly HaganRead More

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Based on my experience…

Born from a conversation I had with a coworker earlier this week, I wanted to talk about research methodology and design and how a client relying solely on what they know – their own experience and expertise – might result in subpar research. Quantitative and qualitative methods have different strengths and weaknesses, many of which […]

By Greg HornbackRead More

Corona Insights employee Matt Bruce


Phenomenology: One way to Understand the Lived Experience

How do workers experience returning to work after an on-the-job injury? How does a single-mother experience taking her child to the doctor? What is a tourist’s experience on his first visit to Colorado? These research questions could all be answered by phenomenology, a research approach that describes the lived experience. While not a specific method […]

By Matt BruceRead More

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Does This Survey Make Sense?

It’s pretty common for Corona to combine qualitative and quantitative research in a lot of our projects.  We will often use qualitative work to inform what we need to ask about in qualitative phases of the research, or use qualitative research to better understand the nuances of what we learned in the quantitative phase.  But […]

By Mollie BoettcherRead More

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How representative is that qualitative data anyway?

When we do qualitative research, our clients often wonder how representative the qualitative data is of the target population they are working with.  It’s a valid question.  To answer, I have to go back to the purpose of conducting qualitative research in the first place. The purpose of qualitative research is to understand people’s perceptions, […]

By Mollie BoettcherRead More