Market Research

Photo of employee David Kennedy


Twitter for market research – depends who you ask

We’ve mentioned using Twitter for research before as well as other tools such as Google Insights (love the name!). Two opinions on the subject that I read back-to-back had slightly conflicting viewpoints. The first made broad, sweeping arguments for using Twitter as a real-time source for information on your brand, products, and research (since this article […]

By David KennedyRead More

Photo of employee David Kennedy


The Strategic Marketing Process (and how market research can inform it)

Thank you to everyone who attended today’s breakfast roundtable, Resonate with Your Audience: How Research Informs the Stages of Strategic Marketing, given by Corona’s Leo Lewis and hosted in conjunction with Colorado Business Marketing Association (BMA). We had a great turnout and hope everyone took away at least one meaningful insight. And if you would […]

By David KennedyRead More

Photo of employee David Kennedy


Drawing conclusions from Amazon Kindle’s customer reviews

While we haven’t always agreed with Seth Godin in the past, in this case we think he’s spot on. In a recent post, he comments on a misleading NY Times post on the Kindle’s declining satisfaction. In summary, he noted… People can provide reviews even without owning the device Only people who are passionate (positive […]

By David KennedyRead More

Photo of employee David Kennedy


Research and Strategy Trends for 2010 (part 1)

Like last year, we offer up our foresight on some of the top trends in our field for 2010. Although the year has already started, hopefully we haven’t missed anything in its first weeks. Some of the trends we noted last year – economic pressures, instantaneous research – will continue and become even more pronounced. […]

By David KennedyRead More

Photo of employee David Kennedy



We use numbers at Corona for all sorts of purposes…analyzing a business’s data, segmentation analysis, demographics…and the list goes on. But for all the fun we have with numbers (not a typo), we always enjoy hearing the many other ways numbers impact our lives. What’s Benford’s Law? Do you have an Erdos number? Check out […]

By David KennedyRead More

Photo of employee David Kennedy


Corona Insights’ Leo Lewis presenting at the Business Marketing Association breakfast

Corona Insights will partner with the Business Marketing Association on January 28th to present Resonate with Your Audience: How Research Informs the Stages of Strategic Marketing. Any smart marketer knows the crucial role market research plays in crafting strategy. But the lines are blurry between the modes of research that are best for answering tough […]

By David KennedyRead More

Photo of employee David Kennedy


Get the cart behind the horse

Why do you want perform that research study?  What is making you rethink your strategy? Is the research being performed because you always perform it (i.e. your annual customer survey)?  Is it just time to put together next year’s plan? Imagine the following… A company conducts an online survey because it’s quicker and cheaper to […]

By David KennedyRead More

Corona Insights employee Kevin Raines


Research gone wrong

When conducting surveys, I often say that the best survey is one where 80 percent of the figures match your guess and 20 percent of the figures surprise you. Why?  Well, you hope to learn something new, hence the 20 percent.  But you also hope that a good proportion of the survey matches your view […]

By Kevin RainesRead More

Corona Insights Logo


Maintaing a neutral balance

Sometimes the projects we work on at Corona Insights go unnoticed by the general public.  The recent follow-up study about an occupancy ordinance in Fort Collins, however, was not one of these projects.  In 2006, Corona conducted the initial study about the rental market impacts of limiting the number of unrelated people who can live […]

By Joe FitzlerRead More

Photo of employee David Kennedy


Representative sampling

While working in a Boulder, CO coffee shop, this post reminded me of the importance of making sure your sample is representative of whomever it is you want to learn more about. Looking around, it would seem like Mac has a very healthy market share (I’m one of the sole PC users here), but of […]

By David KennedyRead More