Market Research

Photo of employee Paul Collier


Build Your Team’s Data Literacy

I’ve found that these are common feelings among nonprofit staff, managers, and leaders. However, data doesn’t have to be intimidating. After working with nonprofits and social enterprises of all sizes, I’ve seen that even the smallest and most budget-constrained organizations can use data in useful ways.

By Paul CollierRead More

Corona Insights employee Jane Klinger


Norms & Behavior Change, Part 2: Leveraging Norms in Your Messaging 

How do we leverage normative behavior ideas to craft effective appeals and promote public good? 

By Jane KlingerRead More

Photo of employee Annie Theodoropoulos


Less is More: When to stop qualitative data collection and start analysis

If you find yourself wrestling with the impulse to always collect more data, try analyzing data as you go.

By Annie TheodoropoulosRead More

Photo of employee Jim Pripusich


Helping Museums Conduct Better Surveys

We joined Museums As Progress’ Research Office Hours to discuss ways arts and cultural organizations could improve the insights they collect through surveys.

By Jim PripusichRead More

Corona Insights employee Jane Klinger


Norms & Behavior Change, Part 1: When and Why We Conform

In this three-part blog series, one of our resident Psychology experts explains a psychological principle we often leverage to help clients promote behavior change: the power of social norms. Part 1 addresses when and why social norms are so powerful.

By Jane KlingerRead More

Photo of employee Annie Theodoropoulos


Qualitative Deep Dives: Positionality, Footing, and Reflexivity

How does our role as researcher impact the data and findings we achieve?

By Annie TheodoropoulosRead More

Photo of employee Annie Theodoropoulos


When DIY turns into OMG: When to Outsource

DIY Qual can be useful, but when might you want to consult an experienced research team?

By Annie TheodoropoulosRead More

Photo of employee Annie Theodoropoulos


Qual on a Budget: How to DIY

When budgets are tight, but you want to learn more about a particular user or customer base, can you just DIY?

By Annie TheodoropoulosRead More

Photo of employee Annie Theodoropoulos


How Our Research Impacts Us as Individuals

Getting the chance to work with different voices and individuals requires us as researchers to expand our minds and perspectives every day. Not only does this let us grow as professionals and better serve diverse populations in the future, but it allows us to expand as individuals, letting us walk around in the world more empathetic and understanding.

By Annie TheodoropoulosRead More

Photo of employee Annie Theodoropoulos


Can we use AI for qualitative research? 

Where and how can AI be leveraged to gain insight into human lived experience?

By Annie TheodoropoulosRead More