Market Research

Photo of employee David Kennedy


Proxies for culture

We often rely on formal market research to measure attitudes, values, lifestyles, and other measures of culture, yet given that culture touches everything around us we often don’t need to look far for other signs of a shifting culture. Trends in one area can easily show insight into another. For example, the increasing sales of […]

By David KennedyRead More

Corona Insights employee Kevin Raines


How to tell real market research from … other stuff

A few years back, a coworker and I wrote a couple of entries for the Encyclopedia of Survey Research on the topics of “sugging” and “frugging”. These are highly unethical practices where an organization attempts to sell a product or fundraise in a manner that uses market research as a cover. I got something in […]

By Kevin RainesRead More

Corona Insights Logo


Corona Insights takes home another Gold Peak award

  Last night Corona Insights was honored to have received a Gold Peak Award for our market research work to inform the Donor Alliance’s marketing strategy. This is the third Peak Award that Corona Insights has taken home from the CO+AMA. In 2010 Corona took home the Silver Peak award for our rebranding and in 2011 Corona won a […]

By Kassidy BensonRead More

Photo of employee David Kennedy


Sometimes beautiful data is only skin deep

We’ve been talking a lot about the importance of conveying data visually lately (ok, and not-so-lately…here are posts from 2008 and 2011), and you have no doubt  recently heard a thing or two about big data. And while we love beautiful infographics, and the power of big data (and medium data), we must be careful not […]

By David KennedyRead More

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The New Frontier of Qualitative Research Tools

In recent years, the qualitative research field has seen an explosion of new online or mobile tools that allow researchers to capture data in ways we couldn’t 5 to 10 years ago. Although we’ve previously reported on the rise qualitative analysis software and what it means for Corona and its customers, we’ve decided to launch […]

By Sarah WilliamsRead More

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Meet Glenn, a testament to Bill Daniels’ legacy

Bill Daniels had an insatiable hunger for knowledge. Although he only received a 2 year degree at a junior college, his hunger for knowledge and strong work ethic paved the way to an extremely successful business career as a pioneer in the cable television industry. In 2012, Corona Insights had the pleasure of conducting stakeholder […]

By Kassidy BensonRead More

Photo of employee Kate Darwent


The Aesthetics of Data

While I’ve been working on the Cultural Plan project (; please submit your input if you haven’t yet!), I’ve been thinking a lot about data presentation. I’ve been thinking about it partially because people who enjoy arts, culture, and creativity obviously value aesthetics, but also because the data from this project, like most projects, will […]

By Kate DarwentRead More

Photo of employee David Kennedy


What makes for a great market researcher?

We often get approached by budding market researchers for informational interviews.  A common question is, “what type of person makes for a great market researcher?” So, we asked our staff what they thought.  Here is what they said (larger words/phrases were more often chosen than smaller ones):   By no means an all inclusive list […]

By David KennedyRead More

Photo of employee David Kennedy


What hot wing sauce can teach us about scales

Years ago, my brother and I used to devour hot wings.  Emphasis on hot. While I don’t always default to the hottest option now (age = wisdom?), I still opt for sauces on the hotter end of scale.  But those scales seem increasingly far from standard. Sauces used to be fall under mild, medium, and […]

By David KennedyRead More

Corona Insights employee Kevin Raines


You Can Survey Too Much

Last week, the Wall Street Journal wrote a piece called, “Dear Airline, Here is the Problem…” about airline customer surveys and how they’re used.  We enjoyed the article and wanted to share our key takeaways: The airlines sample judiciously to develop statistically reliable data with minimum intrusion on their customers.  This is a more sophisticated […]

By Kevin RainesRead More