
How Our Research Impacts Us as Individuals
Getting the chance to work with different voices and individuals requires us as researchers to expand our minds and perspectives every day. Not only does this let us grow as professionals and better serve diverse populations in the future, but it allows us to expand as individuals, letting us walk around in the world more empathetic and understanding.
By Annie TheodoropoulosRead More

It’s Time to Do the Work
Last summer we made a promise to you, our clients and our community at-large, that we are committed to embedding anti-racism principles in every step of our work.
By Corona InsightsRead More

Systemic Inequity in Our Communities
Using the ESRI Racial Equity GIS Hub, Andrew shares a few examples of what systemic inequity might actually look like in your community.
By Andrew StreightRead More

Denver Data Storytellers – Blended Storytelling Strategies
Corona Insights is pleased to be partnering with our friends at Denver Data Storytellers to put on a virtual event: Blended Storytelling Strategies!
By Corona InsightsRead More

Corona’s Commitment
Our reflections on the events in our community and our commitment to equity and justice.
By Corona InsightsRead More

Community and Research: Making the Case for a Nuanced Understanding
What is community? In this blog, Molly Hagan encourages us to rethink our assumption about communities when thinking about, designing, and executing research.
By Molly HaganRead More

Ideas for How to Help Your Community
Some ideas for how you can support your community right now.
By Kate DarwentRead More