25th Anniversary

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25 Years | A Look Back at 25 Projects

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By Corona InsightsRead More

Corona Insights employee Kevin Raines


25 Years of Change – Demographic Analysis

Here we discuss the evolution of how we gather and analyze demographic data and other data from existing sources. The key elements of change in this part of our work are the availability and accessibility of data.

By Kevin RainesRead More

Corona Insights employee Kevin Raines


25 Years of Change – Qualitative Methodologies

As Corona Insights arrives at our 25-year anniversary, we’re going to take a look back at the world 25 years ago and examine what has changed, both in the state of Colorado and in the world of research. This blog post will focus on the evolution of our most common qualitative research approaches.

By Kevin RainesRead More

Corona Insights employee Kevin Raines


25 Years of Change – Survey Methodologies

As Corona Insights arrives at our 25-year anniversary, we’re going to take a look back at the world 25 years ago and examine what has changed, both in the state of Colorado and in the world of research. This blog post will focus on the evolution of one of our most common research tools – public surveys.

By Kevin RainesRead More