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What do you imagine for arts, culture and creativity in Denver?

Mayor Michael B. Hancock and Denver Arts & Venues have officially launched the public input process for “Imagine 2020: Creating a future for Denver’s culture.” Imagine 2020 is a data-driven and inclusive community process to create a cultural plan for the City of Denver. Corona Insights is thrilled to facilitate this important process. In addition […]

By Meredith BadlerRead More

Photo of employee Beth Mulligan


Times, they are a-changin’

As recently as a couple of years ago, we were keeping our distance from online panels for research.  We even blogged about it.  But things have been changing.  And now evidence is starting to accumulate that online polls can rival (or even exceed) traditional polling methods in accuracy.  A recent article in The Atlantic provides […]

By Beth MulliganRead More

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The combination of marketing and strategy

Here is a nice blog post by Roger Martin, co-author of a recently released book called Playing to Win: How Strategy Really Works.  Mr. Martin’s blog discusses the interrelatedness between marketing and strategy for companies.  He particularly identifies the 4 P’s of tactical marketing (i.e. product, price, place and promotion) as being naturally rooted in […]

By Leo LewisRead More

Photo of employee David Kennedy


Mirror mirror on the wall, what is the least desirable methodology of them all?

GreenBook, a directory of market research firms, conducts and publishes the Research Industry Trends (GRIT) report annually.  While perusing the most recent results, I stumbled upon the following finding (techniques respondents would choose in their ideal research company): The top part of the graph showing most desirable research techniques – mobile and online – wasn’t […]

By David KennedyRead More

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Curate your data, connections, and content

As a result of the technological advances of the past several decades, we’re inundated with information all day, every day. Business owners and entrepreneurs may believe that the money-making ships have long-since sailed, but there are still opportunities for incredible value creation there, if our thinking is broadened. Where our tendency may be to press […]

By Kim PierceRead More

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Your organization’s magic eight ball

This blog was originally posted via InspireDenver, a publication of the Young Nonprofit Professional Network – Denver. It can be equally difficult to define the concept of “strategy” as it is to articulate it for your organization. Strategy, by nature, is abstract, complex and evolving. We recognize the term from all sorts of venues – chessboards, the […]

By Meredith BadlerRead More