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Digital media is enhancing market research

According to last Friday’s article from Mashable (based on data from eMarketer), Americans are consuming more digital media than TV for the first time. The biggest jump in digital consumption comes from people using their smartphones to connect online. People are emailing coworkers while they are out to eat, reading online restaurant reviews while sitting […]

By Andrew MonroeRead More

Corona Insights employee Kevin Raines


Missouri Colleges and Universities: Private or Public

A while back, we posted some demographic information about the origins of foreign college students in Missouri.  As we continue examining Missouri college demographics, here are a few more snippets for you, focusing on student age and on public schools versus private schools. 70% of college students in Missouri go to public universities, while 30% […]

By Kevin RainesRead More

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C-level executives have a desire for more data-driven strategic marketing

At least a recent survey indicates this is the case. (Aussie version) recently reported a few findings from the 2013 Marketing Performance Management Survey conducted jointly by VisionEdge Marketing, ITSMA and Forrester Research.  One finding included: Only nine percent of CEOs and six percent of CFOs use marketing data for their strategic planning The […]

By Leo LewisRead More

Corona Insights employee Karla Raines


Business Model Lessons from CO Girl Scouts

Scouting was big in my family.  My siblings and I were all scouts. I still have my sash covered in merit badges and recall fondly the path of discovery and learning each one symbolizes. Yesterday, many other business and community leaders across Colorado received an email entitled “Changing and Challenging Times for Girl Scouts” from […]

By Karla RainesRead More

Corona Insights employee Karla Raines


A Lesson from Social Entrepreneurs – Think Customers and Markets

Earlier blogs have noted a shift among nonprofits – we are embracing the language and practices of entrepreneurs.   Whether an outgrowth of boldness – or the necessity brought on by the recession – we are looking for new ways to serve and earn revenues – and for new revenue streams. Recently I had the opportunity […]

By Karla RainesRead More

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In case you were curious like us…

At Corona Insights we are in the business of answering questions. Recently, we had our own question: what  is the wooden tower on Speer and Larimer? The only thing that could subdue the curiosity was a walk over to the … tower, billboard, construction project? As I approached the structure, it was clear I wasn’t […]

By Kassidy BensonRead More