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Corona Insights employee Matt Bruce


What is the Hardest Science?

If biology, geology, and chemistry are hard sciences, then are other scientific disciplines soft or easy (or scrabbled)?  Social scientists, especially in the natural resource realm, have long advocated for the legitimacy of their research, and they have struggled to define their endeavors under the hard science paradigm. However, the gap between social and natural […]

By Matt BruceRead More

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Research, insights and coffee

A new sign in my neighborhood off of Broadway and 4th Avenue caught my attention the other day. Apparently, Dunkin’ Donuts is opening its first Denver location. What piqued my curiosity about a new local franchise, however, wasn’t the fact that there will be a new donut shop dangerously close to my apartment within a […]

By Sarah WilliamsRead More

Photo of employee David Kennedy


Evolutionary vs. Revolutionary

In a recent blog post I wrote about identifying claims full of hype in market research. This got me thinking about evolutionary vs. revolutionary changes we’ve seen and how most really fall into the former.  Perhaps it’s no surprise given that all market research works to the same end  (i.e., gaining new knowledge) by largely […]

By David KennedyRead More

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Nonprofit Board Effectiveness

Nonprofit boards have a demanding role. Often, these boards are working on behalf of nonprofits with a limited budget and limited human capacity, all while serving a social cause. Board members are under a considerable amount of pressure, and a board’s performance has an impact on the people the nonprofit serves. As this article from […]

By Andrew MonroeRead More

Photo of employee Beth Mulligan


Making the Most of Our Money

Scientists and researchers like to think that if our leaders would only stick to the facts, the data would make many of our hard decisions for us.  Unfortunately, some of the most contentious debates don’t hinge solely on facts – sometimes because of insufficient data, sometimes because values are at play.  However, data has a […]

By Beth MulliganRead More

Photo of employee David Kennedy


Trends in market research: Analyzing the hype

We’re surrounded by hype about products and services every day, whether it’s technology, entertainment, political, or even business practices. The next big thing promises to change our lives and make the old thing irrelevant. Market research is at the intersection of many industries and trends so it’s no surprise that we see plenty of big […]

By David KennedyRead More