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Give yourself a data boost

When I decided I wanted to get in better shape, I started following a piece of gym advice that has paid off immensely: Measure your workouts. Up until recently, my view on the gym was that if I went consistently and worked hard, my efforts would pay off. This is probably true, to a degree. […]

By Andrew MonroeRead More

Corona Insights employee Karla Raines


Big brains. Bigger hearts

Like most companies Corona holds an annual retreat to reflect on the past year and prepare for new one.   It also gives us the opportunity to remind ourselves about makes our work and our company so special to us.  Several years ago we were engaging in one of those classic exercises where the staff breaks […]

By Karla RainesRead More

Photo of employee David Kennedy


Paying it forward

The other day while working at my local coffee shop I was surprised to learn that someone ahead of me had left extra cash to cover drinks for the next several customers.  So, I got my drink free and then chipped in the $5 cash I had to keep the pool going. Perhaps you have […]

By David KennedyRead More

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Never trust an assumption

Recently, the Corona staff prepared for an online bulletin board, a research method we often use. Participants from our client’s target audience get into a private online community and respond to message or image testing questions through exercises like polls and photo critiques. Prior to the study, I looked at the stock photo images and […]

By Andrew MonroeRead More

Photo of employee Beth Mulligan


Deciding where to give in the season of giving

As the season of giving approaches many of us start to think about what we can do to make the world a better place, to help those less fortunate than ourselves, to give back or pay it forward.  And in addition to undertaking individual acts of kindness, many of us will look to nonprofit organizations […]

By Beth MulliganRead More

Photo of employee David Kennedy


The United [Fill in the Blank] of America

The United Watersheds of America? The United Ancestral History of America? The United Federal Reserve Districts of America? Or as our own Kevin Raines has redrawn the map, The United Equal Population States of America? Redrawing the United States of America (as well as other maps) has become increasingly popular.  Is this solely due to […]

By David KennedyRead More