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Corona Insights is hiring
Corona Insights is looking for a bright mind to join our team. Specifically, we’re looking for an Associate with a quantitative market research focus. If you love asking and answering questions, finding insights buried in data, and have a desire to help organizations with their challenges, then we want to hear from you. View job […]
By Sarah SvitakRead More

Is tomorrow the first real Pi day?
Happy Pi Day! As you have undoubtedly noticed thanks to pictures and references to the culinary type of pie in your social media streams, tomorrow is March 14, or 3.14 the (rounded) mathematical constant representing the ratio of a circle’s circumference to its diameter. But wait, there’s more! Not only is tomorrow 3.14, it’s 3.14.15, […]
By David KennedyRead More

Fresh Evaluation Ideas for Spring
As an evaluator, it’s really easy to draft a thousand lines of questioning to capture every nuance in every conceivable outcome that might result from a particular program. I want to know everything, and I want to understand everything deeply, and so do the organizations I work with. Yet collecting too much data burdens both […]
By Beth MulliganRead More

Brand Tracking for Sustained Growth
Surveys can be used to guide a plethora of business decisions. If you’re considering launching a new product or service, a survey can help you get feedback on not only the product or service itself, but your messaging and collaterals as well. If you’re looking to grow into a new market, a survey can help […]
By Matt HerndonRead More

Research To Do List
Recently, I came across this article about recommendations for the U.S. Census data. While I found the article interesting overall, I was really struck by this quote: “Meanwhile, the academy panel said, the job of producing more than 11 billion estimates a year from the survey is stretching the [U.S. Census] bureau’s capacity. The agency has […]
By Kate DarwentRead More

Is your Neighbor an Engineer?
While Kevin has an engineering degree, I do not—my degree is in social sciences. After reading Kevin’s blogs about income patterns of folks with engineering degrees, I was inspired to take a fresh look at degrees from a spatial perspective. I wondered where engineers are most likely to live, where social scientists are likely to […]
By Matt BruceRead More