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Adventures in Book Club: A Research Story

As it finally starts to feel like summer, one of my favorite activities is sitting outside on the patio reading a good book.  My fellow Coronerds must agree with this sentiment as we recently kicked off summer with our very own Corona Book Club, fearlessly led by Senior Associate, Matt Bruce.  As we started discussing […]

By Mollie BoettcherRead More

Corona Insights employee Kevin Raines


Tax Burden by County in Colorado

We saw an article in the Durango Herald the other day noting that La Plata County has the fourth-lowest tax burden in the state, and it made us curious.  We found the web site where the figures were posted. The study used assumptions about a typical household, and calculated its cost in state income tax, […]

By Kevin RainesRead More

Corona Insights employee Matt Bruce


Tracking H2O

As a skiing and a river rafting enthusiast, I’m interested in snow levels of our nearby Rocky Mountains and of water levels in our creeks and rivers.  Early summer is therefore an exciting time to monitor snowpack and river levels because changes are dramatic. Luckily, two websites provide current data on snowpack and river levels […]

By Matt BruceRead More

Photo of employee Kate Darwent


Corona Summer Camp 2015: AAPOR

Ah, summer camp. For those of us who were generally allergic to the outdoors as kids, summer camp did not necessarily mean cabins, building fires, and outdoor recreation. In my case, summer camp usually meant summer orchestra, which was the best. Not only did I get to play music for hours every day, I also […]

By Kate DarwentRead More

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The Lifesavers Conference

As with any industry, it is important in market research to keep up with the latest thinking and practices by regularly attending workshops and conferences.  For this reason, members of the Corona staff can occasionally be found at conferences put on by the American Association of Public Opinion Research (AAPOR), Market Research Association (MRA), and […]

By Matt HerndonRead More

Corona Insights employee Kevin Raines


Total Trivia Crack Scores by Game and Duration – The final post is a series of blogs analyzing Trivia Crack

We looked at total Trivia Crack scores in our previous blog of this series, and now we’ll close up by delving a little bit deeper.  Because, you see, not all Trivia Crack games are the same. In our methodology section (Blog 4 of this series), we made a comment that players in one-on-one games tend to […]

By Kevin RainesRead More