Musings from the minds at Corona Insights. Sign up for our quarterly newsletter to always receive the latest content.
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Predicting The Future
In one form or another, much of market research is aimed at predicting the future. Whether you are considering opening a new line of business, tweaking your advertisements, or just trying to serve your constituents better, the key purpose is almost always some form of “If we do X, then what will happen?” However, when […]
By Matt HerndonRead More

Celebrating Beth’s 9 Year Anniversary
A few weeks ago we celebrated Beth‘s 9 year anniversary here at Corona Insights, and as she stretches towards her big 10 year milestone, we asked her to name a few things that have changed over the years. This was her reply. 3 things that have changed the most: My puppies have grown up. We adopted Maya […]
By Sarah SvitakRead More

The Corona Observer
A fresh quarterly newsletter has arrived! This time we focused on writing informative blogs with recommendations you can actually apply in your own work. We hope you enjoy it.
By Sarah SvitakRead More

How to Choose your own Adventure when it comes to Research
One of the things we’ve been doing at Corona this year that I’ve really enjoyed is resurrecting our book club. I enjoy it because it’s one way to think about the things we are doing from a bigger picture point of view, which is a welcome contrast to the project-specific thinking we are normally doing. […]
By Kate DarwentRead More

Does Prison Make People Find Religion?
We recently pondered prison and religious beliefs here at Corona, so we went poking around for data on the subject. We found a Pew Forum survey of prison chaplains where they estimated the religious affiliation of prison inmates here: We then compared those proportions to the proportions of religions in the general population, also […]
By Kevin RainesRead More

Visualizing data: 5 Best practices
Visualizing data, whether through graphs, infographics, or other means, has grown in importance as both the amount of data and the tools to interpret data have both increased. The goal of any graphic should be to tell a story, but it is easy to allow that story to be sidetracked by poor design. So, what […]
By David KennedyRead More