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Photo of employee David Kennedy


Top 10 Radiance Blog posts of 2015

It’s that time of year, when we look back and look forward. If you’re looking for a little reading this last week of the year, then here is a shortcut for our most popular blog posts of 2015. 10. Corona Summer Camp 2015: AAPOR 9. Wondering if you’re normal? The answer is probably yes. 8. Graphs: An effective […]

By David KennedyRead More

Photo of employee Kate Darwent


Who’s Excited for 2016?

Oh man, where did 2015 even go? Sometimes the end of the year makes me anxious because I start thinking about all the things that need to be done between now and December 31st. And then I start thinking about things that I need to do in the upcoming year, like figuring out how to […]

By Kate DarwentRead More

Corona Insights employee Karla Raines


Reluctance: the antithesis of leadership

All too often strategic success is stymied by reluctant leadership. Reluctance can be seen in behaviors small and large. In essence it’s a failure to act. That action may be as simple as stepping up to fill a gap. Those small misses create a culture of excuses, shrugged shoulders, and not heeding the call for […]

By Karla RainesRead More

Corona Insights employee Matt Bruce


One Plus Zero Equals Ten: The Perspective of a Three-Year-Old

At Corona, we strive to reveal the most relevant insights for our clients, and I’ve recently wondered if thinking differently will help me achieve this outcome? If thinking differently comes from being creative, then maybe I should learn from someone who is very creative – my three-year-old son. Unencumbered by experience, his imagination runs wild. […]

By Matt BruceRead More

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Magic 8 Ball Says…Outlook Good!

It’s hard to believe that it’s already that time of year where you’re thinking not only about turkeys, in-laws and shopping, but also reflecting on what you’ve accomplished in the last year.  For me, this November marks my one-year anniversary with Corona Insights, and since Gregory joined our team this fall, I’m officially no longer […]

By Mollie BoettcherRead More

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New Case Study: Children’s Museum of Denver

We are excited to share a new case study about our work with the Children’s Museum of Denver. This case study in particular is a real treat to share, as it is such a great example of a client taking research findings and capitalizing on the information gained to create a truly inspiring result. You can view the […]

By Sarah SvitakRead More