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Happy or not
A key challenge for the research industry – and any company seeking feedback from its customers – is gaining participation. There have been books written on how to reduce non-response (i.e. increase participation), and tactics often include providing incentives, additional touch points, and finely crafted messaging. All good and necessary. But one trend we’re seeing […]
By David KennedyRead More

Your Baby Is Increasingly Special and Unique, Apparently
It seems like when I’m in the mall and hear parents talking to their kids, I hear unusual names more and more often. I’ve been developing a theory that parents are enjoying creativity more and valuing tradition less when that birth certificate rolls around, so in keeping with Corona Insights tradition, I thought I’d explore […]
By Kevin RainesRead More

Building Empathy
In the past year I’ve been involved with a few projects at Corona that involve evaluating programming for teenagers. One commonality across these projects is that the organizations have been interested in building empathy in teenagers. As I’ve been reading through the literature on empathy, I’ve been thinking about how building empathy should be a […]
By Kate DarwentRead More

DIY Tools: Network Graphing
Analyzing Corona’s internal data for our annual retreat is one of my great joys in life. (It’s true – I know, I’m a strange one.) For the last few years I’ve included an analysis of teamwork at Corona. Our project teams form organically around interests, strengths, and capacity, so over the course of a year […]
By Beth MulliganRead More

Making improvements through A/B testing
Did you know that when you visit the homepage you see may be different than the one someone else sees, even beyond the normal personalized recommendations? It’s been widely reported how Amazon is continually tweaking their homepage by running experiments, or A/B tests (sometimes referred to as split tests), to tease out what makes a […]
By David KennedyRead More

Where are we now? The new next era nonprofit
I spent the other afternoon sitting around a large table chatting with professionals from across the sector about leadership, and the competencies that an effective leader will need in 2025. As we were chatting about today’s realities – and the social, political, technical and economic factors affecting nonprofits – it struck me that we’ve been here […]
By Karla RainesRead More