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Researching things that go boom

OK, so there may not be a lot of actual research going on in this post, but we at Corona have a wide variety of interests and sometimes like to show those off too!  One such interest is that I have been shooting professional fireworks shows for over 20 years.  I got my start in […]

By Matt HerndonRead More

Corona Insights employee Kevin Raines


Corona presents on marijuana research at upcoming conference

  We are pleased to announce that our research supporting Summit County’s (Colorado) safety program for youth marijuana access has been accepted for a poster presentation at the annual APHA (American Public Health Association) conference in November.  If you plan to attend, please stop by and learn about our work.  Our project abstract is shown below. […]

By Kevin RainesRead More

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Ugh, Millennials

Is anyone else tired of talking about millennials? Millennials have seemingly been on everyone’s mind, with many worrying over their spending habits, charitable giving, large debt, voting behaviors, and other things. Why do we care so much about this generation? Don’t they already have a problem with entitlement and being all about “me me me”; […]

By Greg HornbackRead More

Photo of employee Kate Darwent


Thinking strategically about benchmarks

When our clients are thinking about data that they would like to collect to answer a question, we sometimes are asked about external benchmarking data. Basically, when you benchmark your data, you generally are asking how you compare to other organizations or competitors. While external benchmarks can be useful, there are a couple of points […]

By Kate DarwentRead More

Photo of employee David Kennedy


Activating research

Research that just sits on the shelf (or these days, in a digital folder) is research that probably should not have been conducted. If it is not going to be used, then why do it? Effective research takes many things, from the beginning through the end. We’ve blogged before about the need to start with […]

By David KennedyRead More

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Getting the most out of your customer survey

There are a multitude of tools available these days that allow organizations to easily ask questions of their customers.  It is certainly not uncommon when Corona begins an engagement for the client to have made internal attempts at conducting surveys in the past.  In some cases, these studies have been relatively sophisticated and have yielded […]

By Matt HerndonRead More