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Photo of employee David Kennedy


Drawing conclusions from Amazon Kindle’s customer reviews

While we haven’t always agreed with Seth Godin in the past, in this case we think he’s spot on. In a recent post, he comments on a misleading NY Times post on the Kindle’s declining satisfaction. In summary, he noted… People can provide reviews even without owning the device Only people who are passionate (positive […]

By David KennedyRead More

Photo of employee David Kennedy


And they called it iPad

Today was finally the day that all the rumors were laid to rest (though the online buzz actually increased significantly).  Steve Jobs unveiled the newest Apple entry, the iPad, officially ending one of the largest guessing games of what it would be called. While we’ll leave discussing the actual pros and cons of the iPad […]

By David KennedyRead More

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Strategic Synergies

At Corona, we’ve learned that issues are never without context and solutions are never siloed. These synergies can be tools and using them requires a team effort. In the world of strategy, we strive for 1 + 1 to equal more than 2. It is in this spirit that we wish to recognize the University […]

By Meredith BadlerRead More

Photo of employee David Kennedy


Welcome Todd!

New Year, new analyst.  Corona Insights rolls out the welcome mat for Todd Stoltenberg and welcomes him to the market research team. Todd comes to Corona from Nebraska where he worked for a market research firm as research associate, mystery shopper manager, and project manager. Todd has already been busy answering the staff’s questions, such […]

By David KennedyRead More

Corona Insights employee Karla Raines


Research and Strategy Trends for 2010 (part 2)

This is part 2 in our Trends for 2010.  Click here to see part 1. Several trends have been emerging in Colorado’s social sector.  Here are a few to keep an eye on in 2010.  These trends recognize the importance of market forces in shaping the nonprofit sector and the tools that leaders can use […]

By Karla RainesRead More

Photo of employee David Kennedy


Research and Strategy Trends for 2010 (part 1)

Like last year, we offer up our foresight on some of the top trends in our field for 2010. Although the year has already started, hopefully we haven’t missed anything in its first weeks. Some of the trends we noted last year – economic pressures, instantaneous research – will continue and become even more pronounced. […]

By David KennedyRead More