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Unthink your brand?

Ever since KFC launched its “Unthink” campaign, I’ve wondered what effects it may have on the company and its franchisees – for better or for worse.  If you’re not already familiar, the campaign was developed to promote KFC’s grilled chicken they introduced in April 2009, rather than the original fried chicken the company is so […]

By Todd StoltenbergRead More

Photo of employee David Kennedy


Friday fun: Polls on annoying polls

If people find voluntary televisions polls are annoying, what are they thinking about your survey?  Be sure you’re asking good questions with a well-designed questionnaire, being respectful of participants’ time, and being as unobtrusive in executing the survey as possible. From the Fail Blog.

By David KennedyRead More

Photo of employee David Kennedy


Elusive data.

We love data.  Give us a bunch – or allow us to go gather it on our own – and we’ll roll around in it for hours.  Ok, maybe that sounds mildly creepy. We talk a lot about the virtues of data, but there is one important caveat – you have to have good data. […]

By David KennedyRead More

Photo of employee David Kennedy


Possible end to the census in Britain

A recent Economist article (July 17th, 2010 edition) discussed the very real possibility that next year’s census in Britain could be the nation’s last.  Instead, information would be gathered from other government databases combined with periodic polling.  The large data sets combined with the immense computing power needed to make sense of it is one […]

By David KennedyRead More

Corona Insights employee Karla Raines


A lunch time treat

Downtown Denver has become a Mecca for mobile restaurants.  Think tricked-out food truck (P. 16 of ColoradoBiz magazine, 08/10 issue).   These trucks are selling everything from cupcakes to biscuits and gourmet lunches.  The cupcake truck, who was affectionately named Clementine by her Facebook group, sports a large following (including our own resident foodie, Meredith). Today […]

By Karla RainesRead More

Photo of employee David Kennedy


Corona starts “Insights for Good”

In our continued effort to give back to the Denver community, Corona Insights is excited to announce a new event, Insights for Good. There is a lot of marketing talent in Denver – and there are a lot of great nonprofits that need great marketing talent. However, getting the two together isn’t always easy. So what […]

By David KennedyRead More