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Photo of employee David Kennedy


Another research method we won’t use

We recently discussed how we never use opt-in panels here at Corona.  Here is another method we would never use… Have a great weekend.

By David KennedyRead More

Corona Insights employee Karla Raines


In good company

The January/February edition of the Harvard Business Review is dedicated to business model reinvention.  Great minds think alike.  Team Corona released its Synergistic Business ModelTM framework for nonprofits in fall 2010.  Like the smart folks at the HBR, Corona had observed that business models, like strategy, need to be revised and even reinvented to ensure […]

By Karla RainesRead More

Photo of employee David Kennedy


It’s not what the numbers add up to, it’s what they mean

Remember to look beyond your own numbers to see the bigger story they tell. Happy Friday.

By David KennedyRead More

Corona Insights employee Karla Raines


Planning never goes out of style

This may be the most important era for planning in our professional lives. We are experiencing seismic shifts in many industries, a game-changing recession, and an emerging “new” normal. Experts predict that the “demand” economy will result in value-based (think dollars, not core tenets) purchasing decisions for the foreseeable future. At the same time, we […]

By Karla RainesRead More

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Listening to your market

Consumer spending habits can change rather quickly, and what worked in the past for businesses might not necessarily work today.  To stay ahead of the game, savvy companies evolve to make the most of consumer trends by listening to their target markets (not just their current customers) to truly understand what people want. A company […]

By Todd StoltenbergRead More

Photo of employee David Kennedy


Happy Holidays from Corona Insights

He knows the answer before you ask. He once interviewed himself because he knew what everyone else would say. His margin of error is always zero because his response rates often exceed 100 percent. Even his focus groups are statistically significant. The Wolf comes to him to solve problems. Clausewitz sought his advice on strategy. […]

By David KennedyRead More