Welcome to the future. Today’s 4-year-old will be the parent of 2040.
10/15/19 / Corona Insights

Karla Raines of Corona will be joined by her friend Gretchen Kerr, COO of the Children’s Museum of Denver at Marsico Campus to chat about the power of a 20-year visioning horizon. The Museum’s new 2030 Master Plan used a long horizon to leap over the usual constraints of shorter-term thinking. Moon colonization? Autonomous vehicles? Yes and yes.
Using a case study approach, we will share the advantages of a longer horizon, discuss the essential topics to explore, and share how your scan can illuminate possibilities you hadn’t envisioned as you build buy-in for an exciting future.
Illuminating isn’t it? Join Corona for the Pathways to [Im]possible Conference on October 21st and 22n to learn more. Stop by Booth 9 to receive a copy of Corona’s signature Illuminations Reports on the big trends impacting nonprofits, associations, governments and more.
See you there!
Tuesday, October 22nd, 1:45-3:15
To the Moon: Lessons from The Master Plan for the Children’s Museum of Denver at Marsico Campus
Track: Strategic Planning