Swat that SWOT. She said what?
10/3/19 / Corona Insights

SWOT analysis, one of the most prevalent tools in strategic planning, is in dire need of an update. Can you name another tool that hasn’t evolved in 50 years? To put it in perspective, it is akin to using a rotary dial phone in the age of the tech-enabled smart phone.
Karla Raines, Corona’s strategy guru, will share four notable shortcomings in the existing approach and highlight innovative alternatives that will position nonprofits to make the most of their next strategic analysis. Once you understand the shortcomings you will be primed to consider alternatives, including how to optimize your next SWOT.
Illuminating isn’t it? Join Corona for the Pathways to [Im]possible Conference on October 21st and 22nd to learn more. Stop by Booth 9 to receive a copy of Karla’s white paper “Goodbye SWOT.”
See you there!
Monday, October 21st, 1:30-3:15 PM
Goodbye SWOT: It’s Time for a More Dynamic Approach to Strategic Analysis and Planning
Track: Strategic Planning