Photo of employee David Kennedy


What are you measuring when you ask your customers, “Are you satisfied?”

Business, governments, and nonprofits often ask those who come into contact with them how satisfied are they with X?  You’ve undoubtedly been asked this yourself in the past and perhaps you’ve even run your own customer feedback (often dubbed Voice of the Customer) program.  Doing so is smart as it can uncover problem areas and […]

By David KennedyRead More

Corona Insights employee Matt Bruce


Is cluster sampling a good fit for your survey?

Here at Corona, we strive to help our clients maximize the value of their research budgets, often by suggesting solutions that get the job done faster, better, or at a reduced cost. In survey research, developing an accurate sampling frame (i.e., a list of the study population and their contact information) is instrumental for success, […]

By Matt BruceRead More

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Putting the Pieces Together: Combining Qualitative and Quantitative Research Methods

When clients come to Corona and ask us to help them find answers to their most difficult questions, we typically take a quantitative or qualitative approach to our research. Sometimes, however, we use a combination of both methods. As you might imagine, there can be lots of value in bringing the two types of data […]

By Sarah WilliamsRead More